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Multiple Electricity Meters On Single Pole: A Hazard

Multiple Electricity Meters On Single Pole: A Hazard

As Per Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam, electricity meters should be installed at locations, which are easily accessible for testing, reading, recording & maintenance. All meters should be properly earthed and checked for earthing regularly so there is no sparking.

Based on the guidelines, not more than 6 meters should be installed on a pole. In case there are more meters, then an additional pole should be erected adjacent to the existing pole.

However, single poles are being used in DLF-1 to install more than 6, sometimes even 10 meters with a coil of wire all around creating an unsafe and ugly scene. 

Recently, there was sparking and fire on a few poles in DLF-1 and the cable coil hanging all over the poles. This shows work haphazardly done by DHBVN causing inconvenience & fear of fire to residents. 

In DLF Phase1 A Block Extension a few similar incidents happened recently in the middle of the night. Security Guards had to rush to extinguish the fire using construction material and sand.

 A Letter by A Block Ext RWA was sent to the Builders in the area and DHBVN stating facts and reducing the number of meters installed on each pole. It’s not only dangerous but also a heath hazard for senior citizens and children playing on the streets. Loose hanging wires could be fatal if anyone was to mistakenly touch them.

by Poonam Jain (A-40/22, 9810203415)
