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Mountain Of Garbage Greets You On Ch Harsukh Marg
Safdarjung Enclave

Mountain Of Garbage Greets You On Ch Harsukh Marg

As the G20 summit is nearing the Govt ( both central and Delhi Govt) are going all out to present Delhi as a world class city. Enormous amount of money is being spent on beautifying side walks,  greening the streets with potted plants, new lamp posts and sculptures, fountains and lights and much more. Specially the roads along the T 3 airport to the hotels where the foreign head of states will be put up are being beautified at war footing.

But look at this prominent road which is testimony to the apathy of MCD or any other civic agency that this stretch is getting from bad to worse to worst each passing day. The irony is that our elected representatives pass through this stretch so many times. Have they never noticed or just choose to turn a blind eye to this eye sore???

Who is responsible for this mess??

I presume the residents need to stage a dharna to attract the attention of our civic authorities who are in deep slumber.
