Holi at Kala Ashram: GJCSCF members and Gulmohar Ladies Club members enjoyed a colorful musical rang bhari shaam at Birju Maharaj’s Kala Ashram at A Block in Gulmohar Park.
Vidushi Saswati Sen, the Secretary and disciple of Guruji organized an evening presenting kathak dance by students of Kala Ashram aged from less than 5 years to senior students. For more than two hours the Krishna Radha and Gopies were alive presenting kathak, it was mesmerizing, melodious, rhythmic and lively .Everyone appreciated the presentation with huge applause. The programme was followed by mouth watering gujiya, samosas and tea.
Talk on Budget provisions for senior Citizens: GJCSCF held its monthly meeting on 25th February 2023 at Gulmohar Centre TT Hall 5PM onwards. Meeting started with a welcome address by the president of the forum Mr. Y.Sahay. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of the forum’s two members Mr.S.K.Gupta andCapt K.Ravindran. Mr President informed that as it is the end of financial year, members please donate generously to the forum and avail 50% rebate on income tax. To throw light on the budget 2023 24 and provision for income tax for senior citizens, the speaker of the day was Mr.Talwar who is the senior most member of the forum, retired Joint Commissioner of Income Tax, practicing advocate in the tax tribunal Delhi High Court on Tax matters. Mr. Talwar in his address gave a brief history of IncomeTax starting from Independence till date. The new tax system aims to simplify the process of filing tax and reduce the evasion by introducing a more streamlined and user friendly system. He informed that an income tax payer will have an option to choose 2023 24 or 2024 _2025 tax system. He can calculate tax for both ways and could pay whichever amount is less. If a senior citizen’s only source of income is pension, they are excluded from filing income tax. The New slab will help senior citizens save more money and live comfortably. Income tax exemption limit for senior citizens is upto Rs 300000. Mr Talwar explained all exemptions on bank interest, medical insurance, senior citizens savings schemes etc. Mr Sahay thanked Mr. Talwar for his contribution. This followed by birthday celebrations of February born members, cutting of cake and tea. During tea Mrs Malvika Thakur, Mrs. Krishna Dev, Mr.R .C. Gupta Mr P.S.Dhengra entertained audience with melodious filmy songs.
Bihu Folk Dance: On 25th February GJCSCF in association with Gulmohar Centre organized an evening of heart touching, melodious folk music and dance. The performers were Bihu dancers from Assam.The Bihu is a folk related to Bihu festival and is the harvesting season when a group of young women and men perform folk dance wearing traditional colorful dress mostly of red and white. Mrs Nirupama Verma, the cultural Convenor of the Gulmohar Centre gave a brief introduction to all artists, dancers, instruments players and the group leader to the audience and some words about significance of bihu festival and dance. After that all present gulmoharians enjoyed all three forms of bihu for more than two hours. The performance was so vibrant that all of us felt the divine purity of folk music. After the Bihu Dance all GJCSCF members enjoyed a delicious mouthwatering dinner from the club kitchen which was sponsored by GJCSCF management for its members.

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