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Monkey Menace Reported Once Again in Def Col
Defence Colony

Monkey Menace Reported Once Again in Def Col

During the last 1-2 months, there have been many cases of monkeys entering houses of the residents and troubling them for long hours. One of the family stranded outside their house for 3-4 hours as there was no solution to their issue from anyone including police. These monkeys come in a group and start throwing all items including plants, clothes etc and once they enter your house, then it’s not easy to shunt them out. If you dare threaten them, they will attack you which at times may be fatal.

The RWA’s are helpless due to PETA guidelines but the actual problem is being faced by the residents especially ladies who get caught in the panic condition. There used to be a solution by hiring a langoor but this is quite an expensive affair and takes time to arrange them. Officially hiring langoors is not allowed and if you hire one the animal activists can get after you. Let’s hope some other solution comes through to address this continuous problem.

by Ajay Kumar (A-440, 9999055994)
