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Moments Captured in Camera
Sector 50 A-E

Moments Captured in Camera

Most will agree that whatever time we spend on smart phone, for work or engrossed by social media/television to remain connected or relax, true simple happiness is derived by observing ‘innocent moments’ when we look around.

This can be said in the case of Rajesh Srivastava (H no. D-10). He caught on his camera interesting scenes in the neighbourhood and wants to share the joy with the readers.

Jungle Mein Moore Nacha! As the phrase goes, monsoon season is associated with the gleeful cry of peacocks and their dance in the green fields and gardens with colouful wings spread in a full semi-circle. With the green areas diminished by human activities this peacock is making the most of the rainy season, seen in the sector sitting atop the mobile signals transmission tower.

Monkey Business: Recently we heard about monkeys seen in the apartments of 70x, far beyond Sector-50. However, a few weeks back, they were spotted by Mr Srivastava on his terrace. The monkey moments were captured in camera, when he saw them busy plucking leafy vegetable plants to eat. They did not create any menace, he said, and solely focused on eatable within their reach.

Jhula Jhulaye: On one hot sultry afternoon, when the colony people rested in their air-conditioned rooms, the pleasure with which the little kids were playfully rocking their baby in the jhula made by mother’s saree… could not be missed. The scene in the greenery of Central Park, while parents seen working behind, is simply blissful!
