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Mis-Managed Traffic in Def Col
Defence Colony

Mis-Managed Traffic in Def Col

The peak hours in the colony are not creating havoc for the residents to move out in the morning as well while coming back from their work in the evenings. As there are no clear guidelines for the residents, the bottlenecks are adding with each passing day especially during the festival season. The entrances near Nallaha on the C and D block sides are generally chocked in the evenings when it takes 30-60 minutes to enter the colony from any side. The honking of horns, fights, verbal abuses are seen all over the colony. There is no one to manage traffic from the RWA’s or from the traffic department which makes is worse as everyone has own rules to move in the colony. We request the RWA’s to coordinate with the traffic department and plan a smoother flow in the colony as done by other colonies in South Delhi. The one-way traffic movement is the best or say ONLY way to streamline this growing issue.
