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Vasant Kunj

Millennials Succeeding as Change Agents in D-3/4!

It was distressing to find in 2019 how most millenniums proved their presence by denying it.

In our colony you didn’t see them in RWA meetings. They would not contest for any position.

They were seldom a part of any special drives. They might offer financial help to the disadvantaged groups but would not find time to teach. They were not on WhatsApp groups like Our Vasant Kunj and Suraksha. But you did see them participating in social events like Holi, Diwali and sports.

     In trying to understand the possible reasons I had set up a feedback trail with the old, not so old and the young residents. The results were revealing-

  1. Preoccupied with their career 
  2. Shortage of time with long working hours.
  3. Busy with social media.
  4. Socialising with peer group.
  5. Some see community service as     waste of time.
  6. Clash of styles-old vs young.
  7. Retired people have handled RWA related activities well.
  8. Absence of incentive.
  9. Absence of a proper platform.
  10. It is a ‘Pass time’ activity for the retired.
    11.Domination by the senior citizens.
  11. Youth in a hurry- see results fast, fail fast, change fast and learn fast.
  12. Disdain for any activity involving elections.
  13. RWAs meant for gratification of power and control.
  14. Parents’ duty to engage in community related issues. 
  15. Average age high in Vasant Kunj compared to places like the millennium city- Gurgaon. 
  16. An individual’s choice, can’t generalise 
    However, there were also some who saw this as an area that needed urgent attention and offered possible solutions-
  17. Reserve seats for youth in RWA.
  18. Like gender diversity, make age diversity a short-term goal.
  19. Tailor made duties for youth like week-end work. 
  20. Nominate them as leaders in special drives.
  21. Offer them less time-consuming work like surprise checks of security, public toilets etc.
  22. Separate youth forum under RWA’s aegis. 
  23. Co-opt them as members of the RWA Executive Committee without the hassles of elections.
  24. Accept them if they do not initially contribute just like for some elected members.
  25. Offer cost-free incentives in the form of certificates of appreciation even for small successes achieved by the young.
  26. Above all, do not start with the assumption that the youth are not interested. Motivate them, give them opportunities to lead and encourage and accept new ideas. No need to become insecure if they challenge the status quo.
      It needed be understood that a greater participation of youth is by no means an indictment of the work done so well over the years by the seniors. But the young must be made to feel welcome!
       Against this backdrop in the past, there were Shalini Kapoor and Ritu Sharma who came like fresh breeze in the previous RWA. They demonstrated their organisational ability by starting grand celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi and Janamashtmi. Shalini along with other ladies, also helped the senior citizens with food & domestic workers during Covid related lockdowns!  She was truly a live wire and the RWA certainly deserves to have her back!
    In the present RWA team, Archana Chandel and Rashmi Sharma made their presence felt quite remarkably and rather quickly!
      Archana has her Gold medal level educational background in health, family welfare and rural development. She is a story telling entrepreneur & founder of Books-n-Kids. She impressed with her handling of winter carnival, interaction with the seniors, Republic Day function and menstrual hygiene camps! 
      The other change agent has been Rashmi, who has educational background in fields of extension and computer applications, is willing to learn and do more . Balances work and home well. Has been found extremely responsive to good suggestions. Dealing with overflowing water tanks and quick removal of garbage are some recent examples drawing words of appreciation from the residents! 
       Vandana Ahluwalia, an old hand at the RWA, despite her job at the IIT Delhi, has been balancing both change and continuity! Her dedication and deep understanding are indeed praiseworthy! She is gradually but surely transferring her compering and coordination skills to Archana and Rashmi! 
      The young women also took active part in promotion of sports, wide use of Community Centre by the residents & even liaison with the external agencies. Initial training & guidance received from Mr HP Singh, the Vice President, was of great help to the newcomers!
       Hopefully more youngsters/millennials will come forward and be a part of the much-needed Community Service, by bringing new ideas and outlook to the table. This alone could bridge both the gender gap as well as the age gap, and also provide answer to the tricky question of seamless succession planning in RWAs! 
       In the end, a piece of advice to the millennials! Never forget to appreciate and value those who built a strong foundation for you!
      Let us change before we have to.

by Rakesh Dewan (D-3/3124, 8810244978)
