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Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Workshop for Support Staff
Sector 128 Noida

Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Workshop for Support Staff

Tarunima Bajpai, founder of EcoSwop Solutions and Ambit India Foundation, residing in PC16, organized a Menstrual Hygiene Awareness workshop on Sunday, 28 May, commemorating
World Menstrual Hygiene Day at the PC16 reception for the house helps, guards and female sanitary staff working in the cluster. Around 25 women participated in the workshop.

Menstruation is a very important part of every woman’s life and health. It’s necessary to have the right information about it. Busting all the myths and taboos around it is important so that every woman feels empowered to take good and extra care of themselves during the menstrual cycle every month.

“We discussed about female anatomy, why periods happen every month and how it is a natural/ biological thing, and no one should be ashamed of it. Menstruation is a beautiful power given only to females.

I was happy to know that majority of these women were already using sanitary pads and were aware and conscious for investing in their health. However, we informed them about some sustainable alternatives like menstrual cups and reusable cloth pads.

To my surprise, two of the ladies were already aware about menstrual cups.”

=Dr. Navneet Anand, from Rajkumari Foundation, also conducted an online session for the participants on ‘Nutrition during Menstruation’. He shared some good nutrition tips that aren’t too expensive, like eating a small piece of jaggery every day and including beetroot in their diets.

The workshop ended with free distribution of reusable cloth pads and menstrual cups as well as some refreshments for all the participants.

by Anshu Gupta (PC-17/403, 9810075172)
