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Meeting with saurabh bhardwaj
Panchshila Park

Meeting with saurabh bhardwaj

We are thankful to Shri Saurabh Bharadwaj for taking out time out to come and meet us today. It was a great opportunity for the residents to interact with him and most of all he performed the ground breaking ceremony for the new pipeline for B Block, which would provide a much awaited solution to affected residents. The entire colony right from Holiday Club till B Block has been dug up for laying of the new pipeline. It is causing a lot of inconvenience to the residents but it is being done in the larger interest of the colony.

PERA also proposed to him construction of an underground reservoir for the colony to resolve the water problem in the future. This will provide a local buffer for a few days disruption and local augmentation of water supply pressure. We are pleased to advice that the Minister is favourably disposed to our suggestion and will take it up further.

We are grateful to Saurabh ji for his continued support to our colony.

We also thank Gaurav Bhardwaj, General Secretary, Holiday Club for excellent arrangements for hosting the Minister.
