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MCD DC Visits Green Park Main
Green Park Main & Ext.

MCD DC Visits Green Park Main

MCD DC Kumar Abhishek visited Green Park Main Market and colony on Tuesday 11th June 2024 to apprise himself on the working of the McD in the area as also to address that grievance of the residents.

It is perhaps for the first time in the history of Green Park that an officer of DC level has walked for almost 2 hours in the scorching heat to inspect for himself the problems of the residents.  The walk started from the market, some of the backlanes being misused, Friendship Park, back lane of A18 GPM and stretching up to A16 where half the open drain was full of unwanted vegetation, bricks, stones, broken wash basin and Malba and the drain evaporated in thin hair after that. Who deformed the open drain and with whose permission? Why did the authorities turn a blind eye to this disaster and what happens to the rainwater?

I am enclosing here with photographs and video for your consumption and some other sour points. Kafila of 25 to 30 residents were part of the walk. However, DC was a very cool and patient officer. Some of his suggestions are reproduced for the information of the residents/ builders. Whenever a resident gets any work done in their homes, the Malba that is coming out should not be left behind on road or backlanes but can be disposed of at MCD plot next to the community center in Green Park Extension. They will accept it and service it free of cost. Let’s make use of this service and backlanes will be free of such Malba.

He even walked on the pothole roads inside the colony and was empathetic at their pathetic condition. He promised that he can initiate recarpeiting of roads almost immediately but he needs funds allocation from our elected government representatives. He gave patient hearing to each resident present during the walk around and offered his assurance for reinstating Green Parks glory.

He was also very clear about what he can do and cannot do so he made no fake promises. He seems like a committed individual. Even the RWA team was strong and energetic to keep pushing him for maximum coverage of the colony during the walk around.

So DC’s visit was concluded leaving behind a ray of hope. DC has promised one visit a month for 3 months. Well done team RWA. Kudos to team RWA. Alok ji, Namita ji and Rashmi Kashyap – no words to express our appreciation for your persistence and diligence, good luck and god bless.
