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MBCC Ladies Club May Meeting
New Friends Colony

MBCC Ladies Club May Meeting

May meeting at our club was an interesting one as we played games to elevate and stimulate our brains. Brain as we all know is one of the most complex organs in our body. Made up of billions of cells and weighing just under one and a half kg., it controls thoughts, memory, motor skills, interpretations, among many other vital functions.

We had invited Dr Bulbul Sood, former professor of community medicine, Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi and former Country Director, Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, USA. At present, she is a member of task force of Government of India for MCH, FP etc.

Dr Sood brought a few games with her to engage our members in so that they could have fun. To name a few, we created a story, giving only a ‘beginning’ line, used our non-dominant hand, math, buzz, visual and memory games. Some of these games can be played anywhere at any time, with or without someone.

After lots of fun, we enjoyed a delicious meal hosted by our dear members, Ushi and Bela.

by Renu Gupta (President)
