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MBCC Ladies Club April Meeting
New Friends Colony

MBCC Ladies Club April Meeting

The month of April starts with the funniest day of the year, April Fool’s Day. People play pranks on each other enjoying a good laugh.

April is also a very festive month as most religions have their special days fall during this month. Hindus celebrate Baisakhi whereas Muslins celebrate IdUl Fitr. Yet Christians celebrate Easter and Jains Akshay Trithya.

At the Ladies club meeting, we did not have any religious celebration but we had a special program on physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy, as we all know is a treatment which helps us to manage pain and have better mobility. We all need a physiotherapist at some point in our lives.

Keeping this in mind, we had invited a physiotherapist couple who have been working with patients for many years. They have a holistic approach while treating their patients because they believe pain comes due to disintegration of the whole system (unless it is due to an accidental injury) and not just one part of the body. Hence, they try to understand the patient’s general well-being, life style and daily habits, as well as their physical condition. It is important to understand all these factors to have a strong impact on the recovery of the client.

The meeting ended with an interesting question answer session. This was followed by a sumptuous lunch hosted by dear members, Monica Mahajan and Madhu Bhartia

by Renu Gupta (President)
