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Sun City

Making Suncity Living Enjoyable

When we shifted from Sector 14, Gurgaon to Suncity in 2004 (my wife was not in favour of coming here but as my son insisted that before going to US, he wanted to stay for some time in our own house so she agreed). 

We were all new here so we all tried to talk to each other. In the last 18 years, Suncity has grown a lot! It has now become cosmopolitan, people from different parts of India have settled here. We all have our ways of living but now living together as a community. 

My neighbour is my first point of contact in case of emergency (this I have personally experienced!). Our near and dear ones come later. So having good relations with each other, cohesiveness, and understanding each others’ privacy needs is important. 

There are certain simple things that if we take care of each other, I feel life will become more and more enjoyable here! 

Here it is important to mention that these are my personal views( I am not preaching but I follow these )!

1- Enjoy music, there is no restriction but it should not become a pain to your neighbours! There may be someone who is not well! As per some studies, music soothes but to some it irritates, so be sensitive! 

2-Being a psychologist what I have observed and studied, is that children observe and learn from elders, parents and family members their various habits. So if the child starts using abusive language please check, are you or any other in the family using that language? In the case of bigger school-going children check if they are not catching up from there. A discreet check on their YouTube viewing history may also give some ideas. 

Nowadays we are having this discussion in our group. What I feel is that it’s not the problem of children or the park. If parents of these children come and observe their children while playing, up to a certain extent it will not be there! If it persists, counselling by parents is required. Beating, scolding etc is not a solution. Drastic actions by SRWA are not required. It takes a village to raise a child!

Parks are for all of us, especially for our children. Let’s see our children growing up in a healthy environment! Life is good and beautiful. We all should understand care.
