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Sushant Lok 1

Mafia Behind Water Shortage?

It has been reported that the Mafia group of water tank suppliers in Gurgaon is behind the problem of water supply shortage in Gurgaon.

Instances were found where these people create leakages in the water pipes system supplying water to colonies to create shortages. Then they can take advantage monetarily by supplying their tankers at high rates, exploiting the poor residents, thus creating an artificial demand for water. If the shortage of water supply wasn’t an issue already, this is another thing to worry about now!

The administration is already appraised of this situation and is taking active steps to punish people responsible for creating such shortages. The residents and RWAs at their own level must be vigilant for such attempts by tightening the security people to keep a watch in their rounds.

by A K Jain (B-172 A)
