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Lt Puneet Nath Dutt Martyrdom Ceremony
Defence Colony

Lt Puneet Nath Dutt Martyrdom Ceremony

After 26 years of Lt Puneet making the extreme sacrifice for his country, it seems as if  it is just the same day for Anita aunty and her family when they had received this heartbreaking news.

Like every year the family and the Army and the residents of this fauji colony assemble to pay homage to this brave officer Lt Puneet Nath Dutt (Ashok chakra posthumous) at his Memorial in D block Puneet Dutt Park and welcome back the officer to his post on 19th July.

This year also army unit of Madras regiment was there for the guard of honour. They decorated the place beautifully. 

Ex Defence officers of the colony with their ceremonial medals and other residents were present in good numbers.

The ceremony started with the opening speech by Major Ranjit Singh (Veteran) and by President RWA Veena Khanna and Col Nagrani deputy chairman RWA security.

Wreath laying was done by councillor madam and members present. This was followed by welcoming the Chief Guest Maj Gen Gehlot ADG.

Guard of honour was presented by Madras regiment and a two-minute silence was observed in the memory of the officer.

After that Chief guest gave a brief insight on the life of the officer and his operation in Naushera where he bravely killed three militants and achieved Martydom to the retaliatory bullet injuries for which he was awarded the highest peace time action award “Ashok Chakra”.

The ceremony concluded with refreshments served to the guests.
