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Panchshila Park

Let’s Vote Wisely

As we all know what all is happening in our colony, in our environment and all around us. We should feel so proud of living in this prestigious colony of South Delhi .We have few institutions like Ram Mandir, Holiday Club, PERA which are working diligently for the welfare of residents and serve them to the best of their abilities. We need to appreciate them for their services and support them.We need to also look into some matters and issues which are creating disharmony and  there for make amendments. Being a part of this colony each one of us needs to think logically and come forward with ideas and suggestions for smooth running of these institutions. Why is it that everyone wants to come forward to serve when the elections of Holiday Club are due. Why nobody wants to take charge of the working of other two institutions.In all probability there must be some personal benefit or vested interest that everyone is keen to be a part of Holiday Club Executive Committee.  If our youngsters do not come forward to take responsibility,the power of these institutions will remain vested in a few hands only and year after year, the same people are holding posts. The world is changing fast and changes are inevitable. People who are committed and have no personal gains and benefits should come forward to take the responsibility,All those who are educated and have been holding honourable positions in their work places in the past should show interest to serve their community and come forward. Else the change which you want for the betterment of the society will never happen. People should wear their thinking caps and ponder and then elect people who can selflessly work for the benefit of the colony and have no desire to flourish their own business /family /personal benefit /welfare are requested come forward and get elected. Let us all work together to save our colony and utilize our talents already present in the colony to be at helm of affairs in all three institutions and this is the need of the hour. Otherwise the office bearers will misuse their power and will not let hardworking and honest people come forward.It is always not necessary that same family generations should serve the institutions and feel that it is their birth right to hold positions.If you actually think that something better can come up and you have good suggestions/ideas to bring the  best  in our environment, please come forward and use your talent in your field to make this colony the best in South Delhi.
