The onset of summers has a very prominent marker in our surroundings – the changes in the trees. Some start shedding leaves, some turn golden; on some small white insects appear, literally out of nowhere if you have been watching closely, and cause the trees to drip sap.
While these changes occur every year, they feel like fresh nuisance every time. Isn’t it funny that while trees, and insects also in this case, with no or little “brains” have adjusted to changing seasons, we are still figuring things out.
Once I had a discussion with the local parlour lady. She told me the significance of Navratri fasts. “Look they come twice every year in the time when seasons change. The reason is to cleanse our bodies, to detox. Aap bhi kiya karo,” she reasoned.
Today I am filled with wonder and pride that our forefathers, with limited means to acquire and communicate knowledge, were able to understand and accept laws of nature. They were able to live in harmony with it and establish practices not only for themselves but also for us, their progeny. But where are we? Should not we be thinking of doing the same?

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