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Lemonade and Art Stall brings Joy and Entrepreneurship to The Palms

Lemonade and Art Stall brings Joy and Entrepreneurship to The Palms

In a world that sometimes feels dominated by screens and technology, it’s refreshing to see kids getting creative and entrepreneurial with a classic summer activity – running a lemonade
stand. That’s exactly what a group of young residents at The Palms did last month, setting up shop near the clock tower and serving cold glasses of lemonade to passersby.

The group of kids, ranging in age from eight to eleven, worked together to plan and execute their lemonade stand. They created a colorful sign advertising their product and priced their lemonade at a very reasonable Rs.20 per glass. They also added a little something extra to their offerings, including homemade cookies.

“I really liked putting up the stall as this way we can earn my own pocket money and buy anything we like to,” said ten year old Chinmay, one of the organizers of the stand. 

The kids attracted plenty of customers throughout the day, including many neighbours who were happy to support their endeavour.

For the young entrepreneurs, the experience was more than just making money. “We learnt that as a team we have to divide our tasks properly and be more organized next time,” said Azaad.

There was another group of young art enthusiasts who put up a stall of hand-painted and hand-crafted products created in their free time.

“I like art and craft so I along with my friends thought why not put up a stall and earn money? I loved interacting with my customers and showing them my work that I was selling. I earned Rs. 70, which I have used to buy more art material so that I can put up more such stalls. Next time I will earn more and it will keep increasing”, said nine-year-old Vaanya.

So, next time you’re in the neighbourhood, be sure to stop by the stalls and support these young entrepreneurs. You might just learn a thing or two about business and the importance of community support.

by Mekhla Maheshwari (The Palm, 9982844990)
