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Sector 15A Noida

Leadership Issues, Over Commercialisation & Offering Freebies Killed the 30-Yr-Old Institution of 15A

Neeta Dogra Picks up the Remnants of the Ladies Club

Ladies Club 15A, a 30-year-old institution nurtured and developed by senior residents like Shobha Juneja, Mrs Biswas, Meena Chow-dhury, Usha Kaul, the late Pamela Malhotra, Rajni Kaul, Mrs Swaran Pathak, Aruna Jain, the late Satya Jain, and a few other founding resident women, was ruined by the managing committee and brought to a point where there was no one to even hand over charge. Finally, Neeta Dogra, who is herself not so well, agreed to take charge and see how best she could pick up the pieces and put the splinters together.

The committee members’ intent may have been good, but it looks like serious leadership issues, over-commercialisation and the desire to offer its members freebies month after month led to the downfall of the group. What was a 15A family kind of a group was dragged into Sector politics and finally split into multiple factions which didn’t see eye to eye. As a matter of fact, the Whatsapp exchanges with one of the contenders were in really bad taste and were not in keeping with the etiquette and dignity of 15A ladies.

In this kind of a situation, the leader has to own responsibility and not blame others for splitting the group.

On 22 July, President Shivani Chaturvedi posted the following message for members:

This is to inform you that the Ladies Club committee has resigned as a whole.

We would be returning your membership fees, so pls get it collected from Mrs. Aruna Jethi’s house (

We have given our resignation to Sri DD Mishra ji, President, RWA and Club.

I’m attaching its copy below.

Pls avoid calling me in this regard.

Sri D.D Mishra ji, President, RWA

We took charge of the Ladies Club Committee in March 2020 from Mrs. Vandana Shukla. As the tenure of the Ladies Club is of two years our tenure was over in the month of April 2023 and we wanted to hand over the charge at that time. But on request/suggestions of some senior sector ladies we had to continue.

Recently it was brought to our notice that certain groups in our sector are intentionally boycotting our events. It is pertinent to mention here that we have been working relentlessly in bringing out, to the best of our abilities, various events for our audience. We are deeply hurt by the news of the deliberate avoiding of our programmes.

Ladies Club, which was earlier kept aloof the sector politics, now has become a pivotal point in it. Seeing the prevailing situation, we firmly do not wish to continue further without any deliberations regarding this issue.

Being the President of the Sports and Cultural Club of our sector, we are handing over our resignation to you as the Ladies Club is considered a part of the Sports and Cultural Club. It is now up to your esteemed conscience, to whom you hand over the responsibility.

I request you to kindly send some authorised person to collect all the balance money and other documents of Ladies Club after 15 days as we need some time to close the accounts.

We believe the President was silent on the issue, probably because he had nothing to do with it.

Finally on 10 Aug, Neeta Dogra posted the following message:

Dear Friends, 

It gives me great pleasure in sharing with the members of the Ladies Club 15A that our Club, an institution of 30 years standing, headed by many competent ladies in the past, will now continue with the efforts of a dedicated set of ladies who now form the Ladies Club Committee.

Over the years, our membership has increased and many talented ladies have joined the Ladies Club and are active participants adding to hours of collective fun, frolic, laughter and bon-homie. We invite more and more ladies to be a part of the Ladies Club.

The present Committee of the Ladies Club consists of the following:

President: Ms Neeta Dogra (House No. 71, 8920901782, WhatsApp: 9958418357); Vice-President: Ms Swaranlata Gupta (House No. 115, 9810020785); Secretary: Ms Nitu Srivastava (House No: 251, 7838528157); Treasurer: Ms Kartika Pahuja (House Number: 358, 9716416001) & Team Co-Ordinator: Ms Varsha Bansal (House No: 327, 9999055775)

Looking forward to seeing all the ladies of the Sector 15A in full strength at our next meet.
