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Landslide Victory For Team कर्मठ in ANRWA Elections 2024
Anand Niketan

Landslide Victory For Team कर्मठ in ANRWA Elections 2024

The Team led by Deepti Gulati, woman President got a thumping majority once again due to the good and efficient work done by the team in 2021-2024 in the Elections of ANRWA held recently.

Elections of Anand Niketan Residents’ Welfare Association (Regd) (ANRWA) held on 8th September, 2024 for the Executive Committee for 2024-2027 witnessed a landslide victory for Team  कर्मठ  led by their President Deepti Gulati.

Ruchir Swaroop, the Election Officer invited nominations for 8 posts. They being President, Vice President, 2 Ladies members (Reserved) and 4 general members.

6 members of Team कर्मठ (Karmath) were elected unopposed. They were Amita (Neelu) Sood, Meenakshi Chanda  (Reserved. for women), Puja Kapoor, Ritu Sud, Rohit Kumar and Virendra Sood.

Advisory Committee: Ajay Sood, Davender Sood

Elections were held only for the post of President and Vice President

Deepti Gulati and Anil Nag (Team karmath)

Sujata Sood  & Lalit Chaudhary (Team Prayatansheel)

Out of 264 valid votes, Deepti Gulati. (For President) got 210 votes and Anil Nag (for Vice President) got 210 votes..

Sujata Sood got 54 votes and Lalit Chaudhary got 55 votes.

The President called meeting of the Elected Members on 18.9.24 where members were nominated in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of ANRWA .

TEAM ANRWA now comprises the following.

President: Deepti Gulati

Vice President: Anil Nag

Members: Amita (Neelu) Sood, Meenakhshi Chanda (Women reserved), Ritu Sud, Puja Kapoor (Hony. Treasurer), Rohit Kumar (Hony Secretory), Virendra Sood.

The following members were nominated by the President: Sanjeev Verma, Neeraj Sood, Charanjit Singh Marwaha

Special Invitees: Girish Mehra, Kalpana Popli, Meenakshi Sharma, Pankaj Kaistha

At their first meeting, TEAM ANRWA resolved to continue working with sincerity, commitment and the same zeal for the welfare of their co-residents. They also resolved to be true to the MISSION that they have set out for themselves.
