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Ladies Club Prepares For Teej
Sushant Lok 1

Ladies Club Prepares For Teej

Last edition we mentioned our new ladies club being formulated in A block Sushant Lok I. Furthermore on that we the members are preparing for our first event “Teej”. A core team of seven ladies has been formed who will take care of the entire event. A dancing club is also made that will be training and performing a few group dances. Dance practices are on in our houses and mainly in my basement thrice a week. 

The preparation itself is an exciting time as everyone is enjoying with dance music, good food and lots of gossip while they work together in teams. The bond it creates is everlasting (hope so!)

Frequent trips to the market, buying gifts for games and return gifts, and organising music venue, and food are the most favourite work the core team loves to do. 

We had space constraint at the venue and had to limit our number to 40 otherwise the bookings we got were exceeding a much bigger number. Keeping our fingers crossed and hard work going and God’s blessings with us!
