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Know Your Staff
Malibu Towne

Know Your Staff

There would hardly be anyone in Malibu Towne who has not interacted with  Satish Kumar who has been working in the Maintenance Office since 2008. Satish proudly says that he knows practically every single family of Malibu.

This is not surprising considering he is busy taking calls from residents not only during regular office hours from 9 to 5:30 but even beyond through the day and night. Residents reach out to him for assistance in solving their day-to-day maintenance issues.  Infact  Satish mentioned providing solutions ranging from plumbing, electricity right up to medical emergencies which crop up at any hour.

Engaging in procurement, store keeping as well as providing maintenance services to all residents of our 300 acre township is no mean job but the soft spoken, determined Satish can be relied upon for timely help at any hour.

Kudos to the Master Trouble Shooter of Malibu.
