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Kaleidoscope of a Morning Walker
Nirvana Country

Kaleidoscope of a Morning Walker

From the very first glance, the gardens were what captivated me and drew me to Nirvana Country.

My initial interest was not for their natural beauty. That came later. I was actually eyeing the walking tracks, as I wanted to start some form of activity.

It’s only when I started my morning walks that I noticed the hidden gems of nature at every turn. And it’s been a treasure trove of discoveries ever since.

The kaleidoscope of colours that make up nature, amplified with the changing seasons, takes my breath away every time.

The summer sizzle lights up the yellow lamps of the Laburnums, sets fire to the Gulmohurs and add invaluable beauty to burning summer days.

The restlessness of the purple blue monsoon clouds does cool things down. Walking past the streets lined with pearly white champa flowers, generously sharing their perfume on rain washed mornings is something I look forward to every year.

Autumn comes with the nip in the air and the incandescent pink of the Kanchan flowers catching the crisp morning autumn light.

These and many more are now my morning friends, although I have to bide my time to greet them.

Over time we even recognized the many peacocks that made the gardens their home. The short tail one was one of my favorites. And one of the most memorable moments from my mornings in Nirvana was when I chanced upon the notoriously shy parrot merrily munching on the seeds in a sunflower patch.

The benches often beckon me to slow down, rest awhile. Watch the sun play with the clouds on the horizon. Dappling the lawns with its golden fingers.

It’s been over a decade since that day we stepped into Nirvana and even now every morning or evening walk is full of the surprises of nature that don’t allow me to sit on that bench that beckons, but keeps me going!
