Q: Why have you started making members for Manav Kalyan Sangh?
Ans. It is said that you make a plan and God makes a plan but only one succeeds. So I feel that either our plan is coinciding with God’s plan or it is God’s plan that succeeds. My life has also been a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes I was in control and sometimes I was controlled by an external force called destiny. As it was destined to happen, I always felt His presence throughout my life. At home it was my parents who at a very young age introduced us to God’s consciousness. At school, the Irish brothers in Mount St Mary’s, Delhi Cantt. taught us the fundamental values of life. These two forces were very powerful and remained inside me for a very long time. As time passed just as any other normal kid,I graduated from KMC and later joined business with my father. I got married in 1984 have one son and daughter. Like all others. I too flowed along with earning and enjoying. After my parents’ death, it left a void and I took refuge in spirituality. I read Swami Prabhupada’s books and observed the rituals that were practised by my parents and later on by me. As Swami Prabhupada, my Siksha guru used to say, “Philosophy without religion is mental speculation and religion without philosophy is fanaticism”. I think it was the strong values in childhood that kept the fire burning inside me. Gradually I came into association of devotees of Iskcon, the Society which my Shiksha guru Swami Prabhupada had established. The philosophy of Krishna consciousness and deity worship together inspired me to join Iskcon and thereafter my search for a spiritual master began.I met my spiritual master HG Mahatama Das who is Swami Prabhupada’s direct disciple and surrendered his life for spreading of Krishna consciousness way of life in Prabhupada’s footsteps. In February of 2023, I and my wife got initiated by Him at Goverdhan, the play ground of Lord Krishna. Thus my name changed from Kamal Vinaik to Kamala Locana Dasa. Dasa means servant of Lord and His devotees. The happiness that I was seeking outside was all present inside which was discovered after I started following the path of Krishna consciousness as directed by scriptures and my spiritual master. Shri Ram Mandir in our colony is a very auspicious place it’s the place where we can practice devotional service of Lord in proportion to our purity of consciousness. I am engaged in service of Shri Ram Mandir for the past 15yrs. It is a place where I can practice my devotional service to the Lord through engaging in various kinds of services in the temple. My endeavour in Shri Ram Mandir is to engage people mainly residents of our colony in the service of Lord. Success lies in the efforts of serving the Lord. I am nothing more than a servant of the Lord.
Manav Kalyan Sangh is body which runs the affairs of Shri Ram Mandir, Panchsheel Enclave. It is governed by a set of by- laws. Those who become members of the Sangh are entitled to stand for the election of the Sangh as well as vote for it. The only aim of undertaking a drive to inspire residents to become member of the Sangh, is to have a wider choice of members for running the affairs of Shri Ram Mandir. This inspires people to connect with temple activities and be purified.
Q. What persuaded you to bring about the changes in MKS and what is your aim for MKS?
Ans. I feel it is the duty of every resident to be part of this most pious institution of our colony established by our ancestors. Manav Kalyan Sangh is a society which was created to run the affairs of the temple. My aim is to involve more and more residents with temple activities and inspire youngsters to connect with God and to know the philosophy behind Sanatan dharma. Besides rituals, there should be regular classes on Bhagvad Gita and Shrimad Bhâgavatam under the guidance of authorised representatives. Also if more residents become connected we get a wider choice of members to choose, for taking the responsibility of the Sangh in future.
Q. What changes would you like to bring in the community of Panchsheel Enclave?
Ans .Only change I would like to bring about in our community is that while we engage our senses in our own gratification, we should learn to use the senses in service of the Lord. By doing this simple act, one’s senses get purified and one remains sane. Else the more we use our senses for selfish gratification, more we steer towards insanity. As a sane society we must educate our children the values which we learn from our scriptures. This is a very important aspect of our overall development. Otherwise this hedonist nature will gradually make us morally bankrupt. We can make efforts but the fruit is in the hands of the Lord. Just as Krishna says in Bh Gita 15.15 “I sit in everyone’s heart and from me comes knowledge, remembrance and forgetfulness.”
Q. What would you say to the people in the colony and why and how should they come forward? Ans.Lord says that judgement is mine. Who are we to judge others. This material world is a like a prison and in this prison we are sent to reform. We have to “BE” the reform that we wish to see. Once reformed, people will follow your example and gradually the Society reforms. So the best reform is self- reform. As it wisely stated charity begins at home. Righteousness comes from control of senses and as long are senses are uncontrolled there can be no righteousness. Only way to control your senses is engagement of senses in devotional activities. Therefore I would love to invite those who want to experiment with control of senses because the more you.
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