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Vasant Vihar

Joint Statement Continued

Continued from last issue

Society Issues: 

1. The Ramp At Kalyan Kendra  

Kalyan Kendra has had a ramp at the side entrance (Gate 2), for easy access for those who need it, for a long time. 

In December 2023, an oral demand was made to the then President of the Society for making a ramp from the front gate (Gate 3). As the term of then MC was about to finish in mid-February 2024, the request was deferred to be considered by the newly elected MC. However, the construction of the ramp was made into an election issue with allegations being made against the members of outgoing MC for being insensitive and uncaring.

The feasibility for constructing the ramp in front was undertaken by the newly elected MC as soon as they took over. After much deliberations and detailed discussions, the design of Ramp in the Main Lobby through the side wall was approved. Following all the due processes, the contract was awarded and the ramp is now in its final stages of completion.

The admins of Voice Group have now started criticizing the design and costing of the ramp even before the same is complete. The same shows that the admins and their few supporters cannot be satisfied with anything that is done and always look at every activity with their biased vision and portray every activity in a negative light. They must understand that certain decisions are entrusted to the elected members and for them to interfere in every decision they must first qualify to become members of the Society and then get elected to become a part of decision-making process. Floating of imaginary figures for constructing a ramp without checking feasibility to defame the members of the MC is another attempt to mislead the residents/members of the Society. 

2. NOC given in 2019 to DDA qua A-9/20 & Membership of  Deepak Mishra 

A lot has been said qua an NOC given by the Society, for converting the leasehold property into freehold, in 2019. It is relevant to point out that when the NOC was issued, Deepak Mishra, was not even the owner of the property. A detailed reply in this regard was sent to the DDA as a private correspondence between the Society and DDA which has details about the issuance of NOC as per records of the Society. An unsigned copy of this correspondence was shared on the Voice group by one of its main admin. 

Upon perusal of file, we did not find that there was any wrongdoing in the issuance of NOC by Mr. Sumant Mathur, while discharging his duties as Secretary of the Society at the relevant time.

As far as the dispute between Deepak Mishra and Mr. Manoj Gulshan is concerned, the same is a personal dispute between them and the same shall be addressed/responded by Mr. Deepak Mishra or his lawyers in detail.  

We wish to apprise everyone that the dispute between these two, is not with regards to usurping anyone’s property or encroachment but on the usage of the word “Ground Floor” in the property papers with respect to separate and distinct portions occupied by these persons. It appears that instead of waiting for the decision of DDA which is seized of the issue, on the complaint filed by Mr. Gulshan, the select few have sought to carry forward the narrative of Mr. Gulshan on the Voice Group relentlessly and sought to give their own judgments.  

Deepak Mishra will address the A-9/20 issues, separately. 

3. AIR INDIA Colony Redevelopment

We wish to inform everyone that the members of the MC are conscious of the effect of the proposed Air India colony redevelopment. We wish to apprise everyone that MC has already constituted a Special Task Force consisting of many prominent residents of the colony including Dr. Pushpendra Rai, Mr. Anil Kaul and Mr. Kailash Vasdev, Sr. Adv. The Special Task Force has been meeting regularly and is keeping a keen eye on the situation. It has been exploring various options available with the Society and it will undertake any remedial measures, as and when necessary. We hope this will address any doubts that may have been created in your mind, by the select few. 

4. Demand for a Town Hall by the select few  

There has been a ‘demand’ for a ‘Town Hall’ meeting again by the select few within days of the new MC taking charge. The select few have been candid in admitting that the ‘Town Hall’ is sought to be a debating event more like a TV debate.

We, the members of the MC/CC are of unanimous opinion, that such a town hall as sought by these select few will be nothing but another platform for the select few to shout and abuse the MC & CC, to vent out their frustration and therefore not advisable at this stage. 

However, we must point out that the MC/CC members had initiated a pilot program in May

2024, wherein, 2 Members from the MC/CC were present in the evening in the Club Committee Room to interact and engage with members and to listen to their feedback and suggestions. Unfortunately, not many members showed up for this interaction. 

We would further like to state that any bona-fide member of Society or Club, who has any question or doubt can always visit the Office of the Secretary, Society or Club, for all information pertaining to any relevant queries that they may have. 

5. Redevelopment of Shanti Niketan Recreational Centre:

We would like to clarify that renovation of SN Recreational Centre was revived in 2022 after an MOU with SNRA. The salient features whereof were explained and discussed in detail in the Society AGM on 26.8.2022, where upon the General Body approved the redevelopment project, as recorded in the minutes of the AGM. As against the estimated cost of Rs. 3 Crores for the redevelopment as per the project report, the Society agreed to contribute Rs Two Crores while SNRA agreed to contribute Rs One Crore without creation of any right in the land, building or infrastructure in favour of SNRA or its members which was duly recorded in a Formal Agreement executed with SNRA in September, 2023. 

Drawings were finalised by early 2023, got approved from various agencies including Fire Department/MCD between March to August, 2023. Floating of the tender happened in August 2023 with advertisements in Newspaper. Following which and with due process of evaluation, the contract was approved by the MC on 6.1.2024 where after formal agreements were again executed with SNRA and the Contractor. The Bhumi Poojan for the project was done on 4th February, 2024. Presently, construction is on in full swing. Further detailed update regarding this project shall be made available during the upcoming AGM of   the Society. We reiterate that all protocols of financial proprietary have been adhered to and the entire project remains with Society. 

Issues like Dhalao Management, Encroachments etc., fall within the working domain of VVWA and we have been discussing and impressing upon them to take appropriate remedial   steps in that direction. 

Before we conclude, we know that upon release of this present statement, there will be another round of malicious campaign by the select few, who will once again try to ridicule and provoke us into reacting to their wild allegations. However, as always, we wish to maintain decorum and NOT engage in any WhatsApp Slugfest with these select few. We are conscious of the fact that we are fellow residents and would therefore not like to react   in an undignified manner to any of these posts on WhatsApp. Our silence is not a sign of weakness nor should be taken benefit of. It is an acknowledgement of your mandate to our committee to work towards a better Club and a better Colony. We urge you to disregard the malicious campaign being perpetrated against us. We also urge the select few to maintain decorum in their criticism and refrain from baselessly maligning us any further. Needless to add that we shall always consider the relevant suggestions with a positive frame of mind.
