We, the elected members of Managing Committee of the Society (MC) and Vasant Vihar Club Committee (CC), 2024-2027, are issuing this Joint Statement, in the light of the unprecedented misleading and false propaganda, narrative and personal attack by a very small section of individuals (most of whom actually contested and lost elections to the MC or CC or were part of the core team of a particular team), on a particular WhatsApp group, ‘Voice of VV and SN’. This group was created at the time of the Election by the said team for campaigning and after the blanket defeat of the said team, the same has been converted into a platform forum to float false narrative around various topics, almost on a minute-to-minute basis, by the select few.
We have always maintained that we do not to wish and would not get into a 1 to 1 slugfest on WhatsApp. Taking benefit of such silence, the select few have often & very frequently breached the threshold of decency! The constant defamatory allegations against the MC and CC members with words like, “bloody jokers”, “fraudia” “hard core criminals”, to name a few, in audio/video and text messages are defamatory and totally unacceptable for a colony like ours, which needs to be condemned by one and all. These allegations are based on baseless assumptions.
Of late, many of us have been receiving calls regarding the deteriorating level of communications on the said ‘Voice of VV and SN’ WhatsApp group, requesting us to issue some clarification for those 98% members of the group who are silently observing such negative posts, without supporting any such posts. Narratives are often taken as true facts, if they go unrebutted. While we understand the frustration of the select few, we feel that they should refrain from continuing with their false narrative.
We wish to state we have been elected by the members of the Society/Club and have lawfully been given the mandate to run the affairs of the Society & Club for next 3 years, and we are conscious of our responsibilities which we shall execute to the best of our ability.
Before proceeding any further, we wish to point out major responsibilities of the Society MC as many a times the roles of VVWA and Society are confused.
The MC of the Society is primarily responsible for:
– Managing the Society Membership & plot files;
– Collecting the Ground Rent of lease hold properties;
– depositing the same with DDA;
– maintaining the Minor Repair services;
– managing the supply of unfiltered water;
– to look after the development, running and maintenance of VV Kalyan Kendra, Mini Kalyan Kendra at SN and the VV Club;
– to conduct cultural activities and events at VV Kalyan Kendra;
– hosting of camps like the Property Tax Camps for the benefit of members; and
– to maintain, supervise the functioning of the Club premises, its facilities and its activities.
The Club Committee oversees:
– the day to day running of the Club;
– development and maintenance of the various facilities;
– organizing different types of events;
– creating and maintaining the sports infrastructure;
– Co-ordinating for statutory licenses and compliances.
We would like to remind you that the Committee members of the Society and the Club have no special privileges, benefit or perks nor do we ever demand or avail any. We have volunteered to give our time, effort and energy on an honorary basis. The endless and unsubstantiated allegations that these select few have been making, challenging our integrity and motivation, are highly uncalled for, unreasonable, unfair and is creating a very unpleasant environment wherein many of us may lose motivation to do what people have voted and entrusted us to do. Further, we wish to remind everyone that the reckless allegations made against us amount to reputational damage and though many of us are entitled to take appropriate legal remedies, we have refrained ourselves in the interest of Community at large.
We assure everyone that contrary to the false narrative being propagated, we maintain highest standards of financial propriety in the working of Society & Club and ensure that proper processes are followed in all the decisions undertaken within working groups, sub committees, in the Club committee and in the Society Managing Committee. Development projects and contracts to third parties are always finalized through tendering process, as per guidelines, and the evaluation of tenders. Decisions and implementations on such matters therefore takes time and cannot be done overnight, much as we may like.
While we acknowledge that howsoever diligently, we may work and execute, there may be scope to do better. We try to address issues these as best as we can, taking into account both the constraints and the urgency of the situation, and soliciting a cross section of inputs where possible beforehand. Inputs are welcome and sought but ultimately the responsibility for decisions and the process for doing so lies with the Committees – as that is what we have been voted and entrusted to do and that is what the bye laws prescribe.
With this background, we shall briefly clarify our stand on the issues being raised repeatedly on the Voice Group, and update you about the on-going developments perhaps for the 98% of the silent members on Voice Group and for the other members of Society/Club.
Club Issues:
1. Restaurant Food – Kwality:
Complaints from Members are monitored regularly, especially those concerning, hygiene and cleanliness. We were alarmed by some recent complaints regarding this and raised them promptly with Kwality’s Senior Management and warned them of strict action. We have further ensured that they have and will continue to take steps to address the hygiene issues raised; to immediately improve the cleanliness of the Kitchen with a deep cleaning, increased frequency for pest control, steps to ensure better adherence to hygiene standards, deputed a new F&B Manager, Mr. Sachin Sood, for the restaurants, a new experienced Chef and added additional servers and staff.
Further, we are also in the process of engaging an independent FSSAI accredited agency to audit the Kitchen and restaurants on various parameters including hygiene; and assure Members that any deficiency they highlight will be promptly addressed by us.
We are regularly monitoring Kwality’s performance and cleanliness.
2. Bizibean Poolside Café
The search for a new vendor for the Poolside Café Aqua, began as soon as the new Committee took over. This process was initiated based upon the members’ feedback about Bizibean Poolside Café.
We are pleased to let you know you that the MC/CC is in final stages of negotiations with a reputed brand to run Café Aqua. We have also been able to impress upon Bizibean to agree to an early termination of their contract. We expect the new café to be operational by end of September, 2024.
3. Lobby Tea/Coffee Service
As requested by members, High Tea along with regular tea and coffee service is being introduced in the Lobby Area. This will be operational by July, 2024.
4. Bar
The planning for renovation of the Bar is underway and the work for the same is likely to be implemented soon.
5. Swimming Pool
Recently, the water in the Swimming Pool became unfit for swimming for 2-3 days despite our best efforts. This happened due to water shortage and unavailability of good quality of water by the water tanker vendor. So, despite the best of precautions and processes, the water filtration took longer than necessary. The CC/Chairman Sports, immediately swung into action and appropriate corrective steps were taken whereupon the pristine blue pool water has been maintained. We hope that those criticizing understand that while we give our best as a team to maintain best facilities, there are practical on ground issues which spring up unexpectedly, and those have to be handled on the ground.
As far as enhancement of monthly charges are concerned, we wish to point out that the cost of maintenance and running expenditure has been steeply rising which has forced the MC/CC to approve the enhancement from Rs. 800/- to Rs.900/- per month. We must apprise everyone that the charges of our Club are perhaps the lowest if compared with any pool of similar size.
Some members have complained that the enhancement was not notified when the decision was taken. We have taken note of the objection and shall make it a point to circulate all such decisions to the members, even if the same impacts only 2-5% of total members of the Club.
6. Toilets in Sports Complex
There has been a demand for upgrading of the Toilets at the Sports complex. The tender process for the same has been initiated and the work should start soon.
7. Fire Safety Precautions in Club
Timely renewal and appropriate Fire Department Safety Certifications are mandatory for all institutions which includes inspection and maintenance of fire safety equipment including fire tank and water engine. Further, Fire Mock Drills are conducted regularly. Additionally, steps are underway to display additional Fire Evacuation Plans in prominent places on the premises.
The MC /CC has also decided to undertake an electricity load and connection audit by appointing an expert for the same, which will further substantially reduce any possibility of a short circuit.
8. Club Staffing and Administration Issues
Rajan Kapoor, has been appointed as Addl. GM from 10th June, 2024 and shall take over as GM of the Club from August, 2024 upon retirement of present GM. Mr. Kapoor brings with him, 30 years of hospitality experience, having worked in Hotel Lalit, CP, Radisson, Mahipalpur amongst others. The GM shall be responsible for the overall administrative issues at the Club.
The MC is also in the process of hiring a professional as Manager (Operations & Management) who shall supervise the general operations in the Club.
9. Website & Mobile Application
The Club website is in the process of being upgraded along with a Mobile Application which was launched recently. There were some initial hiccups in the Mobile Application which were promptly resolved. Over 800 members have downloaded and are currently using the Mobile App.
Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are several other upgradations/renovations that are in process at the Club. As these get implemented, we assure you of an even better experience at the Club.(To be continued in the August issue.)
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