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Jhanda Uncha Rahe Hamara!
Sector 92 & 93B

Jhanda Uncha Rahe Hamara!

Republic Day Celebrations in Sector-92

India’s 75th Republic Day was celebrated by the RWA Sector 92, on 26 January at the Community Centre Sector 92. Old and young, boys and girls, even small kids participated in the event with great zeal and fervor. They braved the foggy and chilly winter morning to be part of the occasion. Everyone was colorfully and ethnically dressed for the occasions. Children came with tri-colors in their hands.

The venue was wonderfully decorated with tri color balloons and flowers. Our beloved Tiranga adorned at each and every corner of the sector. The atmosphere was reverberating with patriotic songs. Event of the day started with the unfurling of the National Flag by Dr. Muktesh Chander IPS (R), President of RWA Sector 92, followed by the National Anthem. It was a proud moment to see the national flag flying high.

Painting and Fancy dress competition was also held on the occasion. The theme of the Painting Competition was (a) Developed Bharat, (b) Bharat – Mother of Democracy. The theme of Fancy Dress Competition was Unity in Diversity. Children, even 3 years old, also participated in the competition. The enthusiasm of the children was infectious. With enthusiasm they presented a feel of mini-India at the event. They sang and danced to present our cultural diversity. Medals and certificates were awarded to the deserving participants.

Eminent residents of the sector, Noida Authority, the UPPCL employees and Noida Police personnel were also felicitated by the RWA on this occasion in recognition of their contributions for making Sector-92 a better place to live.

A variety of snacks was served in the end with tea and coffee. Residents present at the venue appreciated the efforts of the RWA in hosting such a nice and well-planned event. All in all, it was a grand success! 
