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Jewels of Green Park
Green Park Main & Ext.

Jewels of Green Park

We, the resident editors of Samvada, our monthly newsletter, are always working in our minds about things : good or bad, pending problems of the colony which remain unattended for years. It may need attention of McD, horticulture, legal matters, well being of senior citizens etc. Mostly residents are mute on the subject and suffer in silence. Of late I find a change in the working of the RWA  because younger generations have been selected for the responsible job. For instance it is commendable how subscription of the colony has been collected, how complaints of residents are properly attended and found solutions to. This shows the zeal and dedication of the committee members. My mind has been working on what could be my contribution to the well being of the colony. Fortunately I have found a subject and that is enumerating the jewels of Green Park. 

Generally jewel is defined as a precious stone used to decorate valuable things that you wear such as rings on necklaces but if the word jewel is added to the name of a person, it would mean a precious addition to humanity. So based on this I started looking for a person’s contribution to the well being of the society. In this scenario, I met Sapna, one such jewel of Green Park, at a friend’s house for lunch.

I was quite impressed with her vibrant personality when I spoke to her on the phone but this was my first meeting with her. I had heard about her library by collecting books from the residents of the colony for the benefit of the underprivileged children. Sapna’s ideas and work initiative and efforts to work for the placement of the underprivileged attracted me towards her.

 I nicknamed her jewel of Green Park because she is a woman who is responsible for the hearth and home and yet is agile  enough to move out and work for the benefit of the society. Read on further in the magazine about her library for the underprivileged children.
