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It’s A Mahatambola Sunday in Anand Niketan Club
Anand Niketan

It’s A Mahatambola Sunday in Anand Niketan Club

Members make most of the occasion

Mahatambola is a regular feature of Anand Niketan club. This time the Mahatambola took place on 25th Feb Sunday 12:00 p.m. onwards in the lawns of Anand Niketan club. The beautifully landscaped club lawns along with the new facade of the club lent a very inviting aura to the occasion.

The invite for the mahatambola was sent in advance to the members. Attractive gifts like television, air fryer, vacuum cleaner, sound system etc were already on display and sponsored. The members had come with high hopes and cheery enthusiasm to take away the gifts.

The table charges were pecked at Rs 300 per person which was adjustable against the drinks and the eatables. The guest charges were Rs 200 per person. The members were informed well in advance that all other facilities except for the gym will remain suspended during the Maha Tambola. Since that seats were limited the arrangement was on first come first serve basis.

Once again the Sunday afternoon turned out to be filled with fun and enthusiasm and palpable excitement. Here’s to looking forward to many more such fun filled sundays.
