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Is this the Road to Heaven?

Is this the Road to Heaven?

The month of July has been the harbinger of good news to residents of South City-1. Soon after the permission to install gates to cover 12 blocks of South City 1, came another good news.

Our area has been identified as a location plagued with highspeed through traffic movement, jeopardizing the safety of its residents. The above issue has become a major concern to the authorities in view of a few casualties on one of the streets of South City-1. Keeping pedestrian safety in mind, a loop of four streets was identified for creating a pedestrian safe neighbourhood.

These four roads are:

1. Central Avenue from D Block Entry till BSNL office

2. Club Road

3. Gurudwara Road

4. D-E Service Road

The main recommendations include:

Provision of footpath is proposed throughout the study stretch.

Control devices like traffic signs at several locations depending on the location. Different types of devices are suggested for the safety point of view of both motorized traffic and pedestrian traffic.

Road markings to provide guidance for disciplined and safe driving. It is suggested to mark all the major roads with lanes, edge and median markings together with delineators.

Mid-block pedestrian crossing to be provided near the educational facilities, hospitals and near commercial activity zone where pedestrian crossing movements are generally high, to ensure that pedestrians have a safe place to cross.

Proper Speed breakers on approaches to level crossing to be constructed for safety consideration.

The Map and the Proposed Drawing of a street view is attached.
