It has been more than a year since our new SHO Mr Chandershekhar took over as SHO of Def col. As there have been many developments. Samvada editor, Ajay Kumar interacted with him to discuss about his plans for 2024. The following are the details:
Samvada: What are the security developments of 2023 in Def col?
SHO: I am pleased to share that now crimes are quite low in Def col due to our regular policing in the colony. The Law-and-order situation is quite satisfactory as per the police records and feedback received from the residents and RWA’s. The local guards are now getting trained by the police team to add to the number of eyes around the colony. We have been doing regular verification of servants, maids, and other domestic staff to safeguard our residents. We also ensured that the gates are manned in the night and all the visitors are checked at the time of entry and exit from the colony.
Samvada: What are the challenges faced by your team to make our Defence colony secured?
SHO: As Defence colony is open from all sides during the day, it has become quite a huge task to provide security to them at all times. Def col has more than 500 commercial establishments which add to the number of visitors to the colony including their own staff. The couriers, food delivery boys also add to the number of visitors. We ensure that our patrolling team is taking more rounds of the colony to ensure maximum security and it has resulted in improvements in all the blocks. The street lights are also not functioning at many lanes which are a big hurdle in providing security at night to the residents. We keep requesting the BSES offices and RWA’s to get them repaired in time to make Def col lit to enable us to provide better night time security.
Samvada: What are your plans for 2024 to make Defence colony secured?
SHO:1) We have created a specialized App –Bhramastra for Defence colony which is used by my police team to ensure maximum security at all times. This app keeps data of all the movements in the colony and our team keeps a tight vigil all over the colony to provide timely action to safeguard the residents.
2) We have requested the concerned authorities to provide more CCTV cameras and make them functional to keep the entire colony secured. We also request all the residents to install personal CCTV’s (inside, outside and in service lanes) to keep their lanes secured at all times.
3) The verification of servants through camps, online and also at the police station is our ongoing activity to keep a check on new persons in the colony. We also random check people in parks, markets etc to ensure maximum vigilance. Our police team also takes regular rounds of all the parks to check and shunt away criminals from the colony.
4) The private guards, RWA guards are also trained by our police team to add to our manpower which resulted in decreasing the number of crimes in the colony during 2023 and we will continue to make it stronger in 2024. Dear Mr. SHO, I take this opportunity to extend greetings from our Samvada team as well as fellow residents for your mammoth efforts to keep us secure with your personal touch and professional approach to keep our Def col Secure.

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