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Independence Day Celebrations in Malibu Towne
Malibu Towne

Independence Day Celebrations in Malibu Towne

The 77th Independence Day was celebrated in Malibu Towne in a unique way, with a magnificent series of events together by residents from all areas i.e. Floors, Plots, Towers and Starwood. The initiative was driven by Fun Club to celebrate it collectively at Pine Drive Park. The Federation of Malibu RWAs supported the brilliant idea. 

Residents started pouring in from 7 am onwards when the show started with a Cricket Match of 10 overs between Happy Souls and Fun Club teams. Fun Club batted first with a magnificent score of 81 runs in 10 overs. Happy Souls also played very well and were good runners-up. The high point in the match was the maiden first over and spirited fielding by the Fun Club team. The mood of the spectators was jubilant throughout the match with live commentary by volunteers. Both the teams were honoured with a host of prizes amidst cheers resonating from all corners. In fact, the real winner was the spirit of sportsmanship displayed by the Residents of lush green Malibu Towne.

There was a spectacular dance performance by children of migrant construction workers who were enabled and trained in Malibu by Resident supporters of an NGO. The children danced very well in bright dance apparel amidst cheers from viewers. 

A squad of Security guards wore ceremonial dress for Flag Hoisting with Residents singing the National Anthem in the true spirit of Independence. 

No ceremony is complete without delicious eats for which there was an elaborate spread for all attendees, around lunchtime. 

As a Resident of Malibu for the past 18 years, let me endorse that this was the best Independence Day ceremony in Malibu since then. What could be more inspiring than Residents enthusiastically joining in the raising of the patriotic slogan – ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ – many times and together in loud pitch!

May the bonhomie between residents displayed during Independence Day 2023 prevail during all festivities.

1 Comment

  1. Sidhraj Transinfra (P) Ltd.

    Match was also an attempt to bring the Communities of Plots and Towers and WW /C W cluster together on a Single platform
    Smiles used t be exchanged but wish to convert them intoCommunication
    Hail Malibu

    Succeeded to some extent
