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Green Park Main & Ext.

In K Block the Water is Contaminated Mixed with Sewage

Since, one week the water quality of DJB supply is filthy. We the residents of blocks K 41 to K 53 Green Park Main are suffering. Children, elders and everyone including house helps are ill. The water is contaminated, mixed with sewage filth somewhere. Umpteenth complaints on all groups including tweets have not helped. We are shelling out money on mineral water. I believe the potable water in villages must be of better quality and consumable. Today so-called experts came from DJB claiming to have rectified the problem but still evening supply is horribly bad. Stinking and muddy. What should we do?

Submersible with water tank and filter plant should be installed in every block of Green Park.

Money collected should be utilised for the maintenance and guard and no DJB bills should be paid is the best solution I can think of. It’s been more than a year regularly this problem arises in our colony. At the cost of our lives, we live here paying all dues. Is it justified???

Want solution ASAP
