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Importance of Mental Health

Importance of Mental Health

Manisha Dua (Regency Park 2, 9810544892) in conversation with Pia Masani

Pia Masani (resident of RP2) is a student of grade 12 in DPS, sec 45. She feels very strongly about the subject of mental health. At the young age of 17, she is very aware and feels concerned about the state of mental health among the youth of today.

“What inspired me to talk about mental health is that nowadays, we hear so much about kids taking the wrong steps, going in the wrong direction or having negative thoughts when they don’t get the desired results in exams. Hence, I want to highlight the importance of having positive mental health and well-being for the kids, and their parents.

She believes that we must rise above the stigma attached to people who have mental health concerns. Pia has a piece of simple advice to give to children and parents that life is beautiful and must not be limited to getting marks in exams.

We need to learn to live our life as a happy and healthy individual. She has put together the message in a simple one-pager which is like a ready-reckoner and a reminder for each of us. It gives us easy tips to keep our state of mind healthy and happy.
