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Human Chain Formed at Gurdwara GK-1
Greater Kailash 1

Human Chain Formed at Gurdwara GK-1

The recent developments between India and Canada have not just unsettled bilateral relationship between the two Governments but have managed to stir sentiments among common citizens.

The issue has far-reaching impact not only on the millions who have direct links to Canada either as OCI, Student, PR Status or Visitors etc but also those who have never left the shores of our country.

The issue should have been best left for respective Diplomats to sort out but has somehow snowballed into a potential Social Division between two Communities that have a common Heritage. Quickly realizing the mischief of a minuscule number of radicals, Community leaders of GK-1 led by the Gurdwara Management decided to stem WhatsApp rumours and formed a Human Chain in Solidarity, to give a Clear message that Sikhs believe in the Constitution of India.

On Sunday 2nd October 2023, large number of people gathered in the GK-1 Gurdwara, joined by other Community Leaders and RWA Office Bearers and pledged to ensure that the message of Peace and Oneness goes far & wide. The gathering was addressed by Community leaders, all with the single message of, the age old tradition of Love, Sacrifice and Patriotism. There was bonhomie among communities as they formed a long Human Chain, some holding Placards, be that Children, Women or Elderly.
