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How are the 10th Graders of Suncity Dealing with Stress

What pressure are 10th graders in Suncity facing and how are they dealing with it? This year in March, the young population of ex-ninth grade students entered the 10th grade. The grade ten that everyone talks about. The year with the all-important board exams whose marks are forever going to be displayed on our resumes. When put like this, it sounds pressurizing. Maybe that’s why all I’ve heard since I started are my friends being worried and panicking about the 10th grade board exams which are months away and just like any other final exams. Every day the students in Suncity are rigorously studying, whether it be in tuition or on their own, to prepare to handle the pressure this year brings. Here’s what the young population of Suncity is saying-

Divyanka Pradhan (C Block): I feel like there is a lot of pressure regarding studies. I’m pursuing medical studies so there is certainly a lot of pressure especially as a lot of people in my family are doctors. It is really difficult to keep studying all the time, especially without being able to meet my friends as often as before. I feel like picking up a hobby, going outside and talking to your friends can improve your mental health.

Shubham (E Block): There is certainly more pressure this year but I think that we should treat this as a normal year and put in a little extra effort. Learning to balance school and fun is important as we learn must take care of our mental and physical health. Taking a little time to adjust, focusing on our capability and putting in effort is important.

Geet Vashishita (B Block): I think that there is more pressure this year. We forget that schooling is not about exams but about getting education and knowledge. There is fear of not letting down your family as you struggle to find time for yourself. Sometimes we need to give up our extracurriculars and get burnt out by the constant studying pattern. Let us try to learn while we study and continue doing things we love.

All the best to all students this year as we learn to handle pressure and take care of our mental health.
