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Hopefully A Metamorphosis
Sector 128 Noida

Hopefully A Metamorphosis

On Sunday, 3 December, I was called to attend the first meeting of the newly formed AOA of PCPH cluster. In the last two years, these kinds of meetings were thinly attended. This time, 18 residents came on their own to hear the new BOM which has Manikesh Tiwari as President assisted by Vice President Rashmi Ranjan Bhuyan, Secretary Tapas, Treasurer Rajesh Sharma, Joint Secretary Ashutosh Gaur and three Board Members namely Amit Janmejay, Dinesh Kumar and Rajesh Ahluwalia.

There was a palpable excitement. Something in the air reeked of a prospective awakening. Some change for the betterment of society seemed about to realise. Involuntarily I leaned forward. It dawned upon me that a significant change in the functioning might occur.

Occur it did. Six well-meaning gentlemen sitting on sofa in the lounge of Club 3 came equipped and articulated a gameplan which is briefly as follows.

Issues regarding security, electricity, lift, repair and painting of walls, boom barriers, horticulture, Ganga water, SOP and SLA of FMG, insurance of PCPH cluster, handover and audit of last two years were discussed in detail with all present.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the discipline and the spirit. It was a resident – oriented meeting conducted with grit and determination. There is a gut feeling that this time something better will happen for the welfare of the residents of our PCPH cluster.

