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Hindi Journalist Dr Krishna Mudgil
Malibu Towne

Hindi Journalist Dr Krishna Mudgil

A Luminary in Malibu

Malibu Towne has several leading lights in the medical and legal field besides several retired senior Civil servants, Defence and Police service officers as well as a mix of successful businessmen including industrialists and entrepreneurs owning factories.

This is a testimonial about a Luminary among us, distinguished and yet most humble.
Shri Krishna Mudgil, 77 years of age and resident of Orange Drive, Malibu Town hails from a family of teachers and educationalists. Dr Krishna Mudgil himself is a great deal more. He is the author of several books and an avid journalist whose writings in Hindi are of a very high standard. Many eminent personalities have savoured the flavour of his classic works in Hindi literature. He was honoured by the then President of India, Justice Mohammad Hidaytulla for his seminal work in Hindi journalism in December 1981.

He was awarded D Litt ( Doctorate Honoris Causa) by Victoria Global University in February 2017. Shri Rajnath Singh ji, Minister Govt of India had then released two of his famous books under the titles MAHABHARAT GYANKOSH and MAHABHARAT CHARITRA KOSH which can be seen as Reference Books in Libraries of many Universities.

He is the author of many other books, including DHARTI ke LAL and PATAN KAHANI SANGRAH. He regularly contributes articles in many Hindi dailies such as Navbharat Times, Dainik Tribune and Hindustan His regular discourses on Ramayana at his native place were appreciated very much. Besides his topical lectures on Environment related topics were broadcast on All India Radio as serials about three decades ago. Dr Mudgil is a member of Hindi Salahkar Samiti, Coal Ministry Government of India.With such multiple attributes Shri Krishna Mudgil ‘s name figures in ‘Asia Pacific Who’s Who’ published by Rifascimento International in 2001.

The immediate family of Mr and Mrs Mudgil is a son working for the World Bank an IRAS daughter-in-law and a grandson, residing in Mumbai.

Samvad Malibu holds Dr Krishna Mudgil, a distinguished resident of MALIBU TOWNE in high Esteem!
