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Hamiltons Waste Segregation Station

Hamiltons Waste Segregation Station

by Shelly Khanna

The residents of Hamilton Court have joined hands in the Waste Management campaign to reduce,reuse,recycle  and recover. The society has formed a GreenTeam which is working consistently on adding several waste segregation projects like kitchen waste, paper waste, plastic waste, e-waste, medical waste, recycling of old clothes and organizing door-to-door awareness campaign to educate the residents and imbibing in them a sense of responsibility towards the waste generated at their end.

They are ‘walking the talk’ by setting an examplonary community society which is segregation the waste generated to the nth level rather than relying on Municipal Corporation or blaming the government.The residents are coming forward, supporting the cause and trying their best to manage the waste responsibly.   

With the Support of its working bodies, CAC and RWA, they have invested and allocated two ‘Waste Segregation station’ where residents dispose of segregated waste like, plastic, e-waste, glass, paper and they are further handed over to government approved agencies who recycle and recover the waste making it sure that the waste does not end up going to to Bandhwari landfill area.

For Eg : the plastic collected at their end is handed over to Garbage free India every week  which processes the plastic into poly (plastic) fuel, sent for co-processing (combustion source in cement kilns), or used in making plastic roads and paver blocks. Similar for the paper and E-waste collected. The compost generated from kitchen waste is used in the community sprawling lawns and gardens. The society now is moving ahead to ‘waste reduction’
