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Halloween at Montessori
Panchshila Park

Halloween at Montessori

by Sujata Sundaresan

Panchshila Montessori ensures that the children are made aware of all the festivals celebrated all around the world. It organized a Halloween party for the children with project Orange on Monday,31st October, 2022 Children came dressed in orange clothes and participated in a Trick or treat March around the school grounds.

The School was decorated with Halloween pumpkins cut-outs and special activities included- pin the tail on the Halloween cat, grading the pumpkins, Halloween Hoopla, sensory fun.
The teachers told the children about Halloween and how it is so popular in some parts of the world and that it is celebrated to mark the end of the Summer.The Halloween lanterns are lit to ward off the evil. The School looked fun and scarily beautiful with the tiny tots enjoying the party.
