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Gyandeep Celebrates Founders Day
Green Park Main & Ext.

Gyandeep Celebrates Founders Day

The 14th Founders Day of Gyandeep  Growth   Foundation  was  celebrated with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm, on the 16th  of September 2023. The theme was “INDRADHANUSH”. The  hues of  the rainbow reflected  in the  programme,  giving hope to grow, to build courage and to impart wisdom.

The program commenced with the introduction by Priya didi. The lamp was lit by Dr. Hansraj Gupta. Everyone joined their hands to pray with the students. The junior students invoked the Gods for their blessings with “ltni shakti humae dena data”.   

The Rain  God Indra blessed us with showers, we   had  nothing  to  worry  about  as we had the colossal Arya Samaj Mandir hall, to celebrate and present our cultural programme. The hall was jam packed. The  senior students performed as the Masters of Ceremonies.

Amit welcomed all and sundry, with love and warmth. Arjun shared previous years review film with ardour and fervour, making us believe in ourselves. The “Green Bottles”  and “rail mein chanana”  won everyone’s heart.

The meritorious students of class X were acknowledged and honoured by Dr. Hansraj Gupta, and he encouraged the students by sharing his experiences.

The simplicity of a child was recited in “Haathi ki shadi”. The complexity of Arjun’s guitar gave tune to Mehak’s melodious voice. The mothers’ eagerness to be a part of their children’s celebration pulled them to the stage, to outdo themselves.

The Bharat Sokka Gakkai helped  the children to understand social  causes,  which was presented in the skit “Dharti Bachao” very passionately. The Dance Devkinandan was  very  well choreographed, it was a show stealer.

The  boys were  disciplined  through  yoga  by Binu didi, it showed in their performance which was very enchanting. The parents, who are  very  grateful to  the volunteers for holding their children’s hands, saluted the outstanding volunteers by honouring them with certificates and shawls. The Didi’s zeal and happiness was visible as they looked after everyone and when they got the opportunity, they had their dancing feet on the stage, meeting a great applause.

The way we do it in Gyandeep is the “chuchua way”, ie our Motto Touching hearts, growing together and making a difference!! Last  but  not  the  least,  Rajesh  gave  the  vote of  thanks and  invited  everyone to  share a cup of tea.

The cultural diversity of our students showcased through their performances. It was a memorable event filled with joy, unity and gratitude.

1 Comment

  1. Shakun Singh

    Congratulations Gyandeep team. Doing excellent work. Wish I can join and be part of Gyandeep.
