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Gyaandeep Gulmohar Park Main Children Bring Laurels To Their School
Green Park Main & Ext.

Gyaandeep Gulmohar Park Main Children Bring Laurels To Their School

Gyaandeep GPM Parivar gathered to honour their student’s achievements and distribution of prizes. The dedicated teachers leave no stones unturned to improve the standards of children not only in academics but also in discipline and all round development. Our students perform well in different activities. A drawing competition held by Mridula ji’s effort brought amazing results in showing the talent apart from studies. 2 students were given prizes for their art work.

There are children who come regularly to school were also given bags as gifts. Each child got a refreshment box and a pencil box at the end of the function. In the Drawing competition Nisha and Sahil won the 1st prize. In studies.

Atul and Mahvish got 1st position while Sushaant, Sukriti and Deepa jali got 2 nd position. Sunita Chadhha wanted to be the photographer for the day and took beautiful pics of the children. All children were given sweets, frooty and toffees in order to celebrate their going to the next standard.

by Dr Pushpa Pabley (9810029927)
