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Guruji’s Satsang
Sector 104 Noida

Guruji’s Satsang

Guruji’s Satsang was held in the clubhouse on 7 July from 6 to 8 PM on the occasion of His birthday.30 – 35 Sangat families came together to celebrate His birthday. Everyone was given Sevas to carry out with groups formed for the different types of work like Tent Seva, Darbar Seva, Langar Prasad Seva, Joda Seva etc.

Discipline of all kinds, be it timing or sitting quietly and immersing oneself in the shabads, and no wastage of Prasad is a very important part of the Satsang.Shabads were played in Satsang. Jal Prasad and Snacks Prasad was served during the Satsang followed by Langar Prasad in the end.

The Satsang was followed by aarti and cake cutting. Then, everyone danced with great joy and ecstasy, deeply immersed in His divine love and blessings. Everyone from T2 to T14, including children and senior citizens, participated in the Seva and in the Satsang with lots of enthusiasm.

AOH looks forward to having more satsangs of Guruji and be divinely blessed by Him! Shukrana Guruji!
