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Gulmohar Club Brings In Baisakhi With A Difference
Gulmohar Park

Gulmohar Club Brings In Baisakhi With A Difference

Sufi music celebrates universal brotherhood

Baisakhi, the festival that marks the beginning of the harvest season, is celebrated with great fervor across India. It’s a time when farmers rejoice in the bounty of their hard work and pray for a prosperous future.

This day of Vaisakhi is regarded as the solar new year, a harvest festival in most parts of North India, and along with this, there is the birth of Khalsa Panth by Guru Gobind Singh Ji on this day. In many places, fairs and processions are held along with the beautiful decoration of the temples.

13th April was Baisakhi and like all other years Gulmohar Centre celebrated the festival. But, this year it was not the usual Bhangra and Dhol Dhamaka. This year Baisakhi was celebrated with Sufi music.

As the Navratras were here and Eid fell just a couple of days before Baisakhi, it felt appropriate to have a Sufi music evening to celebrate universal brotherhood.

Professional singers namely Sh. Lalit Nagpal, Sh. Mangat Ram and Smt. Tripat Dhillon sang the rare and immortal Panjabi Sufi kalaam of Baba Farid, Bulle Shah and also the famous Chhaap Tilak written by Amir Khusro. Famous songs of love lores of Panjab Heer Ranjha, Mirza Sahibaan , Sassi Punnu and Sohni Mahiwal were also part of this musical programme. The evening ended with some endearing songs of  harvest.

After the programme the audience was invited by the Gulmohar Centre to enjoy hot tea and samosas. Everyone enjoyed the tea and samosas as the weather became cool and breezy with rain.
