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Growing Concerns Over Water Problem in Sushant Lok
Sushant Lok 1

Growing Concerns Over Water Problem in Sushant Lok

As soon as Summer’s arrive water shortage becomes a consistent problem with A block and this has been there for years now. As our colony is growing exponen-tially in terms of the number of builder floors coming up in each plot this problem has become giant. Each plot has 4 flats, 4 families with 4 support staff families living here, water is bound to be short.

There is a constant tussle of equipping your home with the latest water boosters, which is illegal by the way, so that your tanks are always full. The large motors on the main lines suck up from the main flow as much as they can, which in turn creates a deficit for houses that do not have these booster motors installed!

Many residents do not have a water booster to fill up their tanks, as a result of which water is pretty much trickling into their water storage tanks primarily because of the illegal use of such pumps by construction sites and others who have installed them.

“Because of shortage of water, thanks to people using boosters, I have to call for water tankers that cost me 2100INR every time! This is done every second week. Even the water these tankers supply is mucky and ruin our underground tanks” says a resident According to a recent newspaper report, the GMDA has started supplying 150 KLD (kilolitres per day) to Sushant Lok. But this still seems to not meet the demand looking at the number of builder floors coming up in Sushant Lok.

The Water department is non-responsive and we are still not able to connect with them in case of any crisis. Ideally, the department should first track down such illegal booster pumps, remove them and fine anyone who is using them!

To add to this, washing cars, bikes, and outside parking areas with pipes creates more water deficit in the already dry systems. Let’s be more responsible and create a better colony by being more water conservatives.

by Lata Kumar (A 957, 9810062024)
