Please help us maintain green spaces
Green Guardians are a group of passionate residents from Green Park who are committed to taking care of the trees and plants in and around our community. They work with the sole purpose of beautifying Green Park. Some of the main projects undertaken by the group are back side of Uphaar Cinema Hall, The Yes Bank triangle, J block plot, Mother Dairy entry point, school lane behind U block and many other focal points have been beautified by removing the concretisation around the trees in a 1m diameter and planting runners, shrubs and potted plants around them. Some of these points were garbage dumps before and after beautification and care by Green Guardians they look lovely.
Through this writeup up in Samvad, we request our MLA Somnath Bhartiji and Councillor Sarita Phogatji to come forward and help Green Guardians in this endeavor. As Green Guardians continue to move towards this goal, it has encountered several challenges that require their support and attention. One of the key concerns is the shortage of water and Mali requirements that we are facing in maintaining the green spaces we have created in the community. Without the support of government authorities the functioning of the group will be greatly impacted and they might not be able to continue the efforts to beautify and maintain the area.
Green Guardians would request the honorable MLA and councilor MCD Ward 150 and PWD in their kind assistance and provide water to the corners and lanes that we have beautified and planted with greenery. The following locations require immediate attention: the Yes Bank triangle, J block plot, Mother Dairy entry behind U block.
We would like to request the cooperation of the authorities and coordination with the horticulture department Mali as also plants for future projects. This would help us to continue with the efforts in creating a greener and more beautiful environment for Green Park. Looking forward to all the support from Somnath Bharati ji and Sarita Phogat ji and the PWD department in creating a better environment for all of us.
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