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Sector 26 Noida

Govind Sharma & RK Khosla Teams Sit Together & Sort Out Differences in the Interest of the Two Institutions!

Announce Simultaneous Elections of RWCS & Club 26

Govind Sharma & Team Will not Contest the Club Elections & RK Khosla & Team Will not Fight in the RWCS

Most senior residents who have been following the political developments in the RW&CS and the Club 26 had already guessed that the freshly escalated  fight between Govind Sharma & RK Khosla regarding the wrong doings by the club executive is only a temporary fight that will get resolved benefitting the two stalwarts as soon as the elections get closer.

They were not wrong because the committee members of Club and RW&CS sat together on 27 Aug in the club and sorted out their differences on most of the following points of contention that were raised by RW&CS:

1. RW&CS membership shall be must for grant of membership in Resident category. Existing members of the Club in the resident category who are not members of RW&CS may be given time up to 31st December 2023 to become members of RW&CS.

No decission was made on this issue as Noida Authority has already imposed a ban on membership

2. Division of functions being held should be clearly classified between RW&CS and Club-26 to avoid duplication.

This was agreed (see table on page 8)

3. No outside member be inducted in future in Club26.

Noida Authority has already imposed a ban on membership

4. Booking of Lawns to be done by RW&CS only.

It was agreed that Both RWCS & Club can book the lawns.

5. A fixed Amount by the Club to RW&CS be paid on monthly basis for better Security Systems.

No decision was taken as yet on this.

6. To restore the names of RW&CS Members deleted from the Whatsapp group of Club 26. It was agreed

7. Any amendment in the bye laws of the Club to be carried out with prior approval of the RW&CS. It was agreed

8. List of members of both Residents category and Non-Residents Category as on date be provided to RW&CS with their phone and Email Ids. It was agreed

9. Rules for membership to Tenants be drafted again and total scrutiny be done of the existing memberships of the tenant’s category by a Joint Committees of Club & RW&CS. No Decision was taken on this.

These political developments have however resulted in the formation of a third front led by Sunil Madra & Manish Agarwal. This third front is planning to fight the Club elections.

A small suggestion from a lady resident was that at least 20% of the seats be alloted to women residents keeping in line with the modern trend of gender equality.
