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Good Morning Moon!
New Friends Colony

Good Morning Moon!

The dusty evenings lead to dusky dawns in Delhi! The mornings are filled with the smell of smoke in the air. The sun waits a little longer to say hello while we stretch in our beds to crawl out of our blankets. The chills are making the fingers and nose tips greet the cold mist first.

As I hurry out from home to drop my son to his bus stop, the spectacular moon waits to say ‘Good morning! Look its winters!’ I pause to greet back, and get into the car on a dark winter morning. The smog is beginning to set in as the rains are trying their best to defer them as long as possible. It’s a dislike to inhale the smoke and choke, yet, what I wait for is for the Sun peeping through the dusky sky. Believe me, it’s the best sunrise one can experience. It’s as delicious as an orange and as defined as a painting. What the eyes view, for once wants to overpower the sensations in the nose and lungs.

As an individual, most surely, we are all trying our best to combat the situation of pollution, but till we continue living in here, these are the smallest highs of enjoying the Delhi winters.
