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Sector 50 A-E

Good Food and Good Health

Health and fitness is a very important topic today. Indeed, all our beautiful parks are full every morning with walkers, yoga practitioners, and people enjoying the park gym facilities. It is hearty to see that people form groups for morning and evening activities and often motivate each other. “Ek se bhale do” seems to be the motto of such groups. The sounds of giggling and laughter coming from these groups are very welcome stress busters.

However, now that festivals are coming, fried food like puri, kachori and sweets will also make their way to our plates. The author has seen many enjoy such delicacies along with continuing their fitness journeys. The well-known secret is to compensate the next day. This is done by eating mindfully next, continuing the fitness journey rather than sleeping late. Small and persistent changes everyday lead to big results.

So dear fellows, as the festival seasons begin, may you all enjoy both good health and good food. 
