As we know, GK-2 remains besieged with various civic issues from time to time, which we had comprehensively covered in the Oct`22 and Nov`22 issues of Samvada. We recently approached GK2WA yet again to ascertain the progress being made to resolve these issues. GKIIWA President, Mr Shadi Ram Sharma told us that the Association has been taking action on many of these matters in coordination with our MCD Councilor and our MLA for which he provided us with us a status update as shared below.
Security – the new security system was implemented in our colony about three months back and the July`23 issue of Samvada had also carried a detailed article in this regard. As the basic system has by now fallen in place with full cooperation by the local police, GK2WA is ready to roll out the next phase of this project. Under this phase, four permanent pre-fabricated Guard Rooms will shortly be installed at different strategic locations across the colony. Each Guard Room will be fitted with three High Definition cameras that will enhance vigilance throughout the colony round the clock. GK2WA is tying up with sponsors and volunteers to bear the cost of rolling out this new initiative
Back Lanes – the task of paving the back lanes with concrete in order to avoid growth of unwanted weeds has commenced and MCD plans to complete this activity throughout the colony within the next six months. The long term success of this initiative however rests on the cooperation by the residents in not littering their back lanes with trash.
Street lights – GK2WA is engaged in discussion with the Authorities for installation of new street lights in the colony at heights lower than the level of the trees to provide better visibility on the colony roads
Builders Code of Conduct – Although the initiative to enforce Code of Conduct for the Builders carrying out construction activity within the colony has been under consideration for a while, it could not be implemented as yet due to several legal wrangles concerning the matter. With the legal glitches having now been ironed out, GK2WA is likely to table the necessary proposal in this regard for its passage in the next EGM
Apart from these, there are some other concern areas as well like repair of MCD Roads, pruning of trees and encroachment where the progress is either tardy or the matter is sub judice. These are not entirely within the control of GKIIWA. We hope these issues plaguing our colony are resolved speedily.

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